 The Sarcastic Fringehead

The Sarcastic Fringehead

Posted by Jason Karten on on Jun 19th 2020

These long fish look more like a sci-fi monster than an ocean creature. Fringeheads are found from San Francisco down to Baja, CA in depths of 10-240 feet. They have a HUGE mouth that, when open, is almost bigger than the fish itself. Most fringeheads are grey or brown, and reach a size up to 12 inches. The larger ones tend to live in cracks or holes. It is the smaller ones you are more likely to see. Have you ever been swimming along and you come across a glass bottle? Bottles are among the favorite places this little guy likes hang out. The sarcastic fringehead is extremely territorial. When another fringehead enters the area they will fight by pressing their giant distended mouths against each other until one backs down. It is quite cute. They have even been known to lunge at divers who invade their personal space!