​California Golden Gorgonian

​California Golden Gorgonian

Posted by Jason Karten on on Jun 19th 2020

Gorgonians live all over the work and have a great diversity from location to location. They are commonly referred to as a sea fan. They are made up of thousands of tiny creatures called polyps, the larger the sea fan the more polyps it will have. Each polyp feeds feeds on plankton and tiny organisms floating in the water. Gorgonians will grow so they face the dominate currents so they can trap food more easily. They are related to other soft corals, anemones, and hard corals.

The California Golden Gorgonian (or Muricea Californica) is one of the sea fans we have here in California. They are easy to spot with their beautiful soft golden color, and can be seen at Catalina, Anacapa, or any of the other Channel Islands.

Come diving with us for a chance to see one of these fish. Visit to get on one of our boats.

**photo credit Paul Davidson