

Posted by A. Kendrick on on Jun 19th 2020

WHAT IS YOUR 2019 DIVING GOAL??? Never stop training. 

Continuing your diving education is something we all hear about in every class we take. Your instructor is not telling you this just to get you to sign up or to hear themselves talk. Believe it or not, they want you to be a better diver! Taking courses like advanced or rescue not only expands your diving knowledge, it makes you a safer and all around better diver. Having certifications like advanced open water also allows you to get on better boats, go to better sites, and see more of the underwater world we all love so much. Rescue class on the other hand gives you the skills to solve unlikely problems if they occur – in short, teaches you how to save yourself and others. If you already have your advanced or rescue cert the world is your oyster! You can take specialty classes in everything from peak performance buoyancy to deep diving to distinctive specialties like Padi Research or Shark Conservation Diver. So make 2019 the year you expand your diving. Take some new classes, get down there and enjoy! Give us a call anytime and one of our friendly (and really good-looking) staff members can answer all your questions and get you signed up. See you underwater!