Comfortable and Convenient
Never miss a dive again! All DUI drysuits include patented DUI ZipSeals that allow you the ability to change out a torn neck or wrist seal in minutes. Or remove wrist ZipSeals and install ZipGloves for the warmest hands you've ever had.
DUI ZipSeals are available in Latex and Silicone.

- Patented by DUI
- Available in silicone and latex
- Included on all DUI drysuits*
- New G2 neck ZipRing available for people with a larger head circumference (latex only)
*Available as an upgrade on DUI’s Value Priced TLSSE and CNSE drysuits
Latex or Silicone for seals? What’s the best?
Watch DOGTV for:
How to remove and replace wrist ZipSeals
How to install ZipGloves
How to Remove and replace your ZipSeal neck.
Silicone Wrist, pair – NEW!
Silicone Neck – NEW!
Latex Wrist, Standard, pair
Latex Wrist, Heavy-Duty, pair
Latex Neck
Latex Neck/Hood Combo