TDI Decompression Procedures Diver Certification in Southern California, Los Angeles

TDI Decompression Procedures Diver Certification with elearning

Now $655.00
Was $705.00
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Are you finding your no-decompression limits (NDLs) restricting your dives, compelling you to ascend earlier than you'd like? For many sport divers, planned decompression diving is a new and unfamiliar territory. Enter the TDI Decompression Procedures Course—designed to equip divers with the knowledge and skills to dive beyond no-decompression limits with proper staged decompression.

This course introduces you to the critical components of staged decompression diving, extending your depth capabilities up to 45 meters (150 feet). The TDI Decompression Procedures Course is an essential step for divers looking to move beyond recreational limits and into the world of technical diving. When paired with the TDI Advanced Nitrox Course, these two courses form the foundation of all technical diving certifications and provide the groundwork for deeper, more complex dive plans.

This course not only broadens your understanding of decompression theory but also helps you develop the skills to safely execute decompression dives, enhancing your diving experience while giving you the flexibility to dive deeper for longer periods.


  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Basic Nitrox Certification
  • Proof of 25 logged open water dives

Open Water Dives:

  • Four dives are required, with at least two dives deeper than 100 feet.
  • If Advanced Nitrox is taught in conjunction with Decompression Procedures, a total of six dives is required.

Course Structure:

TDI allows instructors to structure the course based on the number of students and their skill levels, ensuring the training is tailored to individual needs.


  • TDI Decompression Procedures eLearning Course

Required Diver Performance and Requirements:

Maximum training depth for this course is 150 feet/45 meters. During the open water portion, students must demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:

Land Drills:

  • Selection and preparation of equipment suitable for soft overhead environments.
  • Team-oriented drills for lift bag deployment.
  • Team-oriented drills for gas-switching procedures.
  • Gas matching among buddy teams.
  • Familiarity with basic and technical hand signals.
  • Adequate pre-dive planning for decompression profiles.

Pre-Dive Drills (START):

Before every dive, students must complete the START drill:

  • S-Drill (Out of Air) & Bubble Check
  • Team / Buddy Equipment Checks
  • Air / Gas Matching
  • Route / Entry & Exit, Planned Path Underwater
  • Tables / Depth, Duration, Waypoints & Schedule

In-Water Drills and Demonstrations:

  • Buoyancy Control: Ability to hover at a fixed position in the water column without sculling.
  • Team Awareness: Communication, proximity, and team-oriented dive practices.
  • Surface and Depth Comfort: Carrying and deploying a single decompression stage cylinder.
  • Lift Bag Deployment: Solo and team-based deployment at depth.
  • Controlled Ascent: Demonstrating controlled staged ascent with a lift bag.
  • Mask Handling: Removing and replacing the mask and deploying a backup mask.
  • Free-Flow Management: Reacting to manifold, first-stage, SPG, and primary regulator free-flow situations.
  • BC Malfunction Handling: Reacting to a BC inflator malfunction.
  • Gas Switching: Performing gas switches at depth with team members.
  • Buddy Breathing: Conducting buddy breathing procedures for at least one minute.
  • Decompression Modifications: Modifying decompression schedules for emergency situations.
  • Horizontal Breath-Hold Swim: Completing a breath-hold swim for at least 45 feet.
  • Planned Dive Execution: Properly executing the planned dive within pre-determined limits.
  • Problem-Solving Situations: Safety and decompression stops, emergency gas sharing at depth.
  • Backup Regulator Deployment: Demonstrating deployment of a backup regulator.

Additional Fees:

  • Boat Tickets
  • Gas Fills
  • Rental Equipment (if needed)


The TDI Decompression Procedures Course provides you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to safely execute staged decompression dives. It is the perfect follow-up to your TDI Advanced Nitrox Course and lays the foundation for further technical diving courses, including TDI Trimix and more. Prepare to extend your dive time, increase your dive depth, and experience the world of technical diving with confidence.

If you're ready to push your limits and expand your technical diving skills, this course is your next step toward becoming a highly proficient, well-rounded technical diver. Reach out for more information or to register for your course today!



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