
Blogs & Newsletters

Catalina Island

Catalina Island

Posted by Rachel on on Jan 3rd 2023

Catalina Island is the most visited island by Eco Dive Center. We host trips every weekend, year-round to this historic and beautiful island. Catalina is the furthermost east island in the Californi … read more


Posted by A. Kendrick on on Jun 19th 2020

WHAT IS YOUR 2019 DIVING GOAL??? Never stop training. Continuing your diving education is something we all hear about in every class we take. Your instructor is not telling you this just to ge … read more
​California Golden Gorgonian

​California Golden Gorgonian

Posted by Jason Karten on on Jun 19th 2020

Gorgonians live all over the work and have a great diversity from location to location. They are commonly referred to as a sea fan. They are made up of thousands of tiny creatures called polyps, t … read more
Yoga and Scuba

Yoga and Scuba

Posted by A. Kendrick on on Jun 19th 2020

You lay on your mat and it is all about being in the moment and moving from breath to breath…. Geared up, you plunge into the waters and it is just you and the moment, the life surrounding you, ex … read more