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Horn Shark

Horn Shark

Posted by Jason on on Feb 9th 2023

A very common shark to see in our California waters is the Horn Shark. You will not fins them swimming around gracefully like their cousins. Instead, you will usually find them sitting on the bottom … read more


Posted by William Taylor on on Feb 7th 2023

Henderson is a well-known brand in the world of scuba diving. It was established in the early 1900s and has been providing divers with high-quality scuba gear for over a century. Over the years, the b … read more


Posted by William Taylor on on Feb 2nd 2023

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a type of ocean conservation tool that seeks to protect and conserve the biodiversity of marine and coastal ecosystems. In California, MPAs have a rich history that d … read more
Snowflake Moray

Snowflake Moray

Posted by Jason on on Jan 31st 2023

The snowflake moray is a species of marine eel. They are found all over the world but mainly in the Indo-Pacific region. Smaller and slimmer than their green moray counterparts, these eels typicall … read more